Weekend Eze-Breeze Ideas

Congratulations……You have made it to another weekend.  As the end is in sight for this summer it might be time to start addressing that “to-do” list.  If any of the following are on your list

  • Upgrade Screen Room
  • Enclose Patio or Porch
  • Patio Enclosure
  • Winterize Screen Room

make those all into one item…..”order PGT Eze-Breeze windows from www.ezebreezestore.com, call 800-495-1833“.  You will be amazed at how quickly you will be able to check this off the list….so easy you may ask why didn’t I do this sooner?20130703_154221jpg20130703_154221jpg20130703_154221 eze_7 20130725_112251(2)jpg20130725_112251(2)jpg20130725_112251(2)

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